
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation - This site has a lot of resources listed; such as support groups, grants, cooling programs, lending library, and so on. See the left side of the home page for various areas of help.This site also has all sorts of info about MS.

National MS Society - Lots of stuff here; resources, info about MS, and so much more. It would probably take months or years to sift through everything they have on their site. - I just found this website the other day and really appreciate it. I especially like the variety of posts and the interaction with real people who have MS. Good for people like me who sometimes feel like we are fighting this battle alone or no one understands or whatever. The STORIES section is especially neat; people sharing about their walk with MS. I was excited to find it and look forward to reading all I can.

My New Normals - A blog and a website from a woman named Nicole. Worth checking out.

MS Blog Central - A blog with a list of MS bloggers :) Maybe I should try to get on there?

MS World - A very helpful online forum for those with MS or with possible MS.

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis - This site has information on diet and MS as well as an online forum for those on the OMS diet. Does it help? I don't know. I've tried them all faithfully and have not seen improvement, but that's just me. I do believe it's safer than the McDougall diet ... it seems to be one that can be safely maintained for long periods.

McDougall interviewing Swank - McDougall has various information about MS on his website, including a few 'recovery' stories. [yes, I'm skeptical of those for a few reasons]. Here he interviews the late Dr. Swank about MS and diet. I was on the McDougall diet for several years long before I knew of such a thing as multiple sclerosis. In all honestly, I think the McDougall diet is dangerous for long-term use and believe it had a roll to play in harming my body. My thoughts. My opinion.

Dr Terry Wahls has the Wahls Protocol ... you may check out the basics of it on her popular Ted Talk video Minding Your Mitochondria or see her website. I was on level 2 of the protocol for a few years, and level 3 (a.k.a. nutritional ketosis) for about a year. While I do not think I got any better, I also do not think I got any worse. I believe Wahls Protocol level 1 is a great diet for anyone.
I have my own thoughts about Wahls' miraculous recovery from progressive MS, but I'll let you form your own opinion. I appreciate that you can learn the basics of her diet without spending a dime or at least without spending more than the cost of the book. Her seminars and such are a different story.

I'll add more as they come, and if you have any good resources please let me know.

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