I think the last time I put anything on here was in December. There is not much new to report. I am still hanging in there but still having MS :) My right side has still been giving me issues but not as bad as it was in July or August (I think that's when it was really bad?). It seems I never fully recovered from that episode.
Fatigue and cognitive issues are still at the top of my list for hardest struggles, however it has been difficult some times, in the kitchen especially, to get around and function 'normal' with these right side issues. I have come to believe that my NEW normal is this: slightly dysfunctional right hand/arm and foot/leg. This makes it a bit difficult because I am right handed. Even still, I notice myself using my left hand more and more, or at least using it for support when using my right. I have also noticed myself holding on to stuff for balance. For instance, when working at the counter I always seem to have one hand on the counter for stability. When at the stove, one hand is on the oven door handle. When standing in general, I find more often than not I am leaning against a wall or a chair. If I do not do this, I tend to want to fall backwards. I have not actually fallen all the way yet (thankfully!) but have caught myself several times.
I have been on a special diet as an experiment for a while however I am not sharing anything specific until I've been on it for at least a year. So far though I have not noticed any improvements.
I have thought of going gluten free but it seems so hard with my lifestyle, though I'm sure many could say the same thing about going gluten free. As much as I do not want to, I think the ONLY way I'll be able to pull it off and give it an honest shot is if I use the gluten free flour blend. Not because I 'have to have' certain foods, but because I do not cook for only myself and it's hard to make different meals at the same time.
I have also thought of trying do have a green juice every day, however that takes time and effort ... both of which are precious right now. So, I thought of buying some of Hallelujah Acres barely max powder as a substitute. We'll see.
My neurologist appointment is scheduled for this summer however I just got a card in the mail saying the date has to change. I might make it sooner to fit better with the schedule of those who are probably going to take me (it's kind of far away and hard for me to drive all that way by myself).
On a side note, I recently watched a video on youtube of this woman who had ataxia and realized that I have certainly had one definite episode of ataxia in my legs. I was wobbling around everywhere, unable to walk without falling and/or running in to everything in site. I just stayed in one place as best as I could till it was over. Thankfully that symptom did not want to hang around, but I'm not sure maybe it will come back some day?