Is anyone reading this anyway? I wonder. It does not matter though because it was very convenient for me to be able to read my own posts and see what I was going through a few months ago... so I will post an update for my sake if not for the sake of anyone else.
I had a period of time where I felt a tiny bit better but it was not much and it did not last long. For the last month or so I have been not feeling the best, and especially the last few weeks. This time it seems my feet are hit the hardest: they hurt and ache so bad that it actually wakes me up at night. The only thing that offers some 'relief' is distraction. If I am sitting down it helps to move my feet, like shaking my feet and legs fast how someone does when they are nervous or just out of habit. If I am laying down I wiggle my feet. If I am standing up I walk.
Other things have been wrong too, but this is the most noteworthy. Extreme fatigue and cognitive issues are at the top of the list.
Life goes on!
I had an appointment with my neurologist set for the beginning of December, however I cancelled it and plan to reschedule it for a warmer month. Even though I am really struggling right now, it seems I struggle even more when it's warmer so I thought it would be better to see her then.